Impressive Stuff. Who chose #2. The smoke is your identity currently - undefined, relatively unusable.

10 Mar 2023, 15:00
Impressive Stuff!! Who chose #2? 💨 . 😶‍🌫️ . 🥷 The smoke is your identity currently - undefined, relatively unusable. The face hiding in the smoke is your identity with the #identityhub - protected, but defined, usable, and adaptable, just like a🥷🏾 #privacy #web3 #litentry Now that we’ve learned all about ID & Privacy in Web3, who’s up for a challenge?? Can you guess the Web3 concept based on these 3 emojis? 💨 . 😶‍🌫️ . 🥷 1 - Secret, Private, Public 2 - Make your ID tangible without being seen 3- To all, you're unique 4- Know more by asking less