Litentry Burn Event #2. We are excited to announce the second token burn event on governance.

31 May 2023, 13:04
πŸ”₯ Litentry Burn Event #2 πŸ”₯ We are excited to announce the second token burn event on governance! Based on the Litentry Identity Staking Inflation Model Discussion, the team will now burn 377,800 LIT quarterly for the next two years. To ensure transparency, here is the Parachain account where the tokens will be burnt: 48W1VwWpMk9ZpA7HMRA15wyWygyGaLbA5VoJeczh67g7tdn9 πŸ•³ πŸ—³ The referendum: This is the second burn event out of a total of eight. Stay tuned for more updates, and let's make this governance decision together! πŸ—³ #Litentry #Governance #TokenBurn